It’s easy to feel bad when things go wrong and we realize we made a mistake in a song or said something stupid or clicked on that file and the consequences seem to go on for a mile.
easy to think we’re not good enough and that we really do not have the right
stuff to become what we were meant to be, to give of ourselves, to go forward,
be free.
easy to frown and turn anger within when we realize that we have committed a
sin and someone is hurt or defeated in soul because we were not with it, in
part or in whole.
easy to cry when our weaknesses scream and everything comes apart at the seams,
when little things tower and are huge in form and we know that we have stepped
outside of the norm.
easy to feel all alone in the night when there’s no place to turn and we’re
frozen with fright, when life seems so hard and
there's no place to hide, and morning is a long way from eventide.
easy to fall on our knees in prayer when our pride has tumbled and is no longer
there, to raise our voices and hope for the love that we know only comes from
the realms up above.
easy to place at his nail-pierced feet the burden too heavy for our faltering
feet, to think that perhaps we can make amends after wondering abroad
around life's many bends.
easy to look up into his face and hope that he’ll give his amazing grace, in
spite of our weakness; in spite of our sin, he’ll open his arms and wrap us
easy to stand by his side once again, and shoulder the yoke that he shares
with all men, to keep us going when the times are tough, helping us climb
the hills that are rough.
easy to feel indescribable joy when we know that he loves every girl, every
boy, for heaven is where he is today, our Savior, Redeemer, our
friend come what may.